All together better – engagement on a potential lead provider contract
Since 2013 NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has been working closely with health and care organisations through the All Together Better (ATB) alliance to help join up community health and care.
Following a national consultation in 2018 by the NHS England, Sunderland CCG felt that the time was right to consider if a move to an Integrated Care Provider arrangement would enable even better joined up decision-making and integration of services across Sunderland. This would mean a lead provider, on behalf of ATB, would become responsible for the integrated provision of ‘out of hospital’ care across the city.
In preparation for making the decision, the CCG decided to carry out a targeted engagement exercise with key stakeholders. The CCG recognised the importance of analysing and presenting the feedback from the engagement exercise objectively and without bias, and so the engagement activity was supported by Stand.
Stand provided operational management of the stakeholder communications, conducted the research interviews and co-ordinated stakeholder responses. Stakeholders contributed to the engagement via an online survey, through telephone interviews, and through formal written responses. In total, 33 stakeholders contributed to the engagement. Twenty-seven responses were received to the online survey, five stakeholders provided a written response and 16 stakeholders took part in an interview.
We provided a detailed report of findings presenting the analysis of the feedback grouped into key findings from interviews, survey responses and written responses which had been categorised into key themes.
The CCG’s Governing Body will take into account the findings from the engagement exercise in this report when making their decision about the future ATB contracting arrangements. This report will be published on the Sunderland CCG website.
Lisa Anderson, involvement lead, NHS South Tyneside and Sunderland CCGs, said:
“Fantastic turn around – thank you for all your hard work.”
Penny Davison, ATB business development lead, said:
“Thanks so much for all your hard work on the two reports. The conclusion will be very helpful to share and I thought it was very balanced and reflected the views well. I have really enjoyed working with you. I appreciate how you listened to us and gave us expert advice.”